Monday, December 8, 2008


I know that it is not polite ettiquet to blow your own horn. But I can not help doing that this morning.

I am justified.

Last year (or was it longer) on SpentCasings I dressed VanHollen, and was flayed alive for my "bad taste."

But then this morning I discovered these.

I realized that that is only just a small part of her ensemble, and yes, those boots truely are hideous, and not what I envisioned, but it goes to show, that what goes around in fashion, comes back with a vengenance. And apparently someone thinks that they are fashionable.

So again, I can not help but go: HA!


Rebecca said...

hey. those are cute. what you described VanHollen wearing was NOT.

Incomplete said...


And those boots ARE NOT cute. They are HIDEOUS! The boots themselves are nice, but the woolen cuff is way overdone

Less IS more people!!!!

Rebecca said...
