Wednesday, October 15, 2008

. . .

So it has been almost four months since I last posted. That's pretty lousy. It hasn't been for the lack of action to report on, that's for sure. If I was in the service, I'ld probly be drawn up on charges of "dereliction of duty." You know, not getting my paperwork turned in.

So here's what's happened since I last rambled on about a stupid movie.

On July 10th, I rolled my van. Yeah, I know. Stoopid. It was crazy. Long story short, I'm alright, the dog's alright, and the van was totalled. But, God is good and I was in a new van by the 2nd of August. A newer van. A bigger van. One with a bigger motor that actually moves when you put you foot down.

This is the old van

Sorry, no pics of the new one. It looks just the same as this model, only a little taller. And obviously without the rusty scratches.

Then on July 15th, Puggles, or Mea as some call her, was born and I stayed home for a couple of weeks watching film noir and taking care of Belle. That was the week that the kids had camp. It was nice and quiet. Verrry Niiiiiice. I recommend it for all parents of multiple children. Definitely farm them off whenever you have the chance. That was also the week that that I almost posted. It was a post that was going to be titled "Why I Shouldn't Be A Stay At Home Dad." I'm used to leaving everyday, going and strenuously laboring in some far off place and then coming home every night to a wonderful loving wife and family. I was glad that Belle was back up when she was. Not a moment too soon. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind doing the dishes and making the meals, lunches and breakfasts anyway, but I was beginning to get a little stir crazy.

Those are the two things that stand out the most, in a non-spectacular three/four months filled with the hum-drum of normal life

That, and The Dark Knight! I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Doug Redenius, Vice President of the Ian Flemming Foundation (don't worry, I had never heard of him before yesterday) on the radio agree with me that The Dark Knight is the best movie ever made. If you haven't seen it yet, then what are you waiting for? Come on, you gotta help push it into One Billion. That's right, last I checked, the movie that cost them 1.8 million has grossed, world wide, 980+ million. HooYah!

I was going to post about Film Noir also. I may yet. Our local library is growing it's DVD collection (I think they are planning on putting BlockWood Video out of business). In their stacks they have a burgeoning number of true classics. You know, black and white, before the moral morass of the late sixties, early seventies.

Hey Jak, don't change the name of your blog. You have got a great original name. flowershop girl. It's quick, concise, to the point. It's WHAT you are, not WHO you are. It's a like a scullery maid. It's just her job, it only describes her current position. Not what she wants to be, not what she dreams and hopes and is striving to be. And I think that you have done a pretty good job at telling us what the current flowershop girls wants to be. Something more than she is. If nothing else, it has been good therapy for you.


Katie said...

Mea! I love it! Even if I did think of it... not sure I was the original offender though....

I plan on seeing Dark Knight when it comes out on DVD. I tried watching it online, but, well... it's really hard to follow all blurry and on a 4x5 inch screen.

I agree, you shouldn't be a stay-at-home dad. It's not your cup of tea.

Miss you!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...


Tell Mea I love her and miss her:-)

I was going to see The Dark Knight, but the parents forbid it. So my hands are tied, sorry!

Incomplete said...

GASP! KitKat, you were supporting pirated movies?!? Shock and horror.

In defense of The Dark Knight:

You have to see it in the theater, if you can, at least once. Why? SURROUND SOUND. The score is incredible.

Your parents forbid it? Seriously? In retrospect, I think that Caspian was more violent. At least you see more violence in Caspian. A great majority of the violence in TDK is alluded to. The action leads up to the point of "impact" and then the camera cuts away. Of course, it is a pretty mature film. One scene does gives me pause in recommending it. A bunch of thugs are having a conference and their dialogue is not from Anne of Avonlea.

It's real. And I think that that is why it is so great. What happens in the film, would not at all be unbelievable to find in the paper.

It is the best pro-america, pro-Bush, pro-anti-terror movie I have ever seen. And it is, because it addresses the first two points without ever mentioning them. To the third point, it says "There is evil in this world, and it MUST be confronted and defeated!"

Here's a good article about it all

Okay, that's enough from me

Katie said...

I think I should clarify here.

Mom and Dad don't forbid us to see Dark Knight. They would just prefer that we didn't see it in the theater. And I don't think the violence is the whole reason, besides, PC is fantasy and fiction. Yes DK is fiction too, much it's much more realistic.