Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Down Here

So I found this group, DownHere. Maybe you have heard of them? Canadian (Caw-Naw-Dee-En) Christian Rockers. Yeah, that's what I said. Some of their stuff would be "banned" in certain un-named places but I thought you all should check this vid. out. At first I said, "Are they mocking?" But then I realized that they were actually laying down a challenge:

And this one makes Belle cry

Tell me what you think


Anonymous said...

I thought the first video's challenge was worth rising up to. I didn't much care for the music in either video but they did have a good point in what they were singing.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

For some reason I think I've heard the first one, it does make you think...

The 2nd one makes me cry too...


Erica said...

"Some of their stuff would be 'banned' in certain un-named places..."

Can you help me understand what you're saying? Like, is it explicit content? Or is the style of music just not some people's taste?

"And this one makes Belle cry"

She's not the only one.

Erica said...

Sorry I'm accidentally making this into two comments. :/

My opinion on the music itself? Maybe you don't want it, but I'll give it anyway.

I didn't really like the way the words flowed in the first one; they seemed kind of random. But that's not a bad thing--it's just my personal opinion that it wasn't terribly well written. But otherwise, the heart of the message was thought provoking.

The second was pretty neato. I really liked it. And, like I said, it made me cry. Wow.

I was hoping you would asnwer Debbie's comment in the last post, but you didn't. So I ask again--are you coming here this weekend?

Incomplete said...

No. No explicit content. Downhere is one of the cleanest ACC bands out there (as far as appearance goes). No visible tattoos or earrings. That goes pretty far for me. So far that I don't buy the albums of such people. Unless the pierced people are girls. I can't stand all of these "Christian" artists covered in ink and laced full of holes. I have a serious problem with that kind of christianity.

Some of their tracks are "rough": loud guitar, heavy drums . . . that sort of thing. A lot of people have great issue with that. Hence the potential for being "banned". It brings up the whole "if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, . . ." argument. I've had extensive experience with that, having at one time been of that mindset.

What I discovered about Downhere, is that all of their songs, on Wide Eyed and Mistified, are sourced out of the Bible. I thought that was pretty cool.

What also has drawn me to them, is that they are just as good Live as they are on record. So many groups can't pull that off. If it wasn't for slick marketing and digital adjustment, those hacks would never last.

About CowgirlE's opinion: Hey, I asked. That is what is great about America and especially my blog: we all can have our own opinions. Taste is subjective. And what's more, that's what I'm looking for, a really impersonal way of getting to know you (wink, ha, snort). But please don't misunderstand me. I'm not advocating ecumenicalism. All paths DON'T lead to heaven. The good news about friends is that you don't have to agree on everything to be friends. Just the crucial, LIFE-supporting things.

And finally, I am sorry my friends, but we will not be in Nebraska. Bell and I had strongly considered it, but life (and business) contrived otherwise. I'll miss all of my peeps too! I guess the first chance we get we just might have to take a road trip.

CowgirlE, post as much as you like! I love it when the comments get into the double digits!

Erica said...

Ah, yes, thanks. I understand now what you were saying. My opinion actually differs from some people's (DUH!), and I thoroughly enjoyed the clips you put up.

You will be missed this weekend--next road trip you take, come out to our farm, okay? We have horses, and cows, and tractors, and lots of yummy food!

(Just a note: We had to move cows yesterday, in the twenty-degree weather. We move cows with our horses, and my goodness! Jackson's feet were picked out so well--I used this awesome knife/hoof pick I have....thanks a million.)

marmaladeinstead said...

It is an incredible thing, what we believe, isn't it? That Christ is coming WITHIN us? "The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God...And now we begin to see what it is that the New Testament is always talking about. It talks about Christians 'being born again'; it talks about them 'putting on Christ'; about Christ 'being formed in us'; about our coming to 'have the mind of Christ'...really coming and interfering with your very self; killing the old natural self in you and replacing it with the kind of self He has. At first, only for moments. Then for longer periods. Finally, if all goes well, turning you permanently into a different sort of thing; into a new little Chirst, a being which, in its own small way, has the same kind of life as God; which shares in His power, joy, knowledge, and eternity." (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity)

I preferred the second one, I think. It's something I'd add to my regular playlist.

"...having at one time been of that mindset"? Might I ask what changed your mind?

Speaking of music, this has become one of my favorites in the past few months: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jbH_fEyM8xM&feature=related (Ignore the slide show :)--listen to the lyrics.) What do you think? I find it full of hope and encouragement--pages turn, God is on the throne, His plans are best.

I'm still fighting those dragons, valiantly. You are right--joy is essential--I am discovering that.

I'll second Erica-- we missed you in NE!

Rebecca said...

I didn't like either one. How's that for having an opinion?

no, seriously, I couldn't understand the words they were singing. maybe if I knew what they were talking about I'd like it better.

Incomplete said...

See, that wasn't hard, now was it?

Maybe it's your speakers. Try using head phones, cause as ACC tracks go, those are pretty clear, soooo, I don't know what to say.