Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Marching Orders

It is vitally important that we maintain our objectivity.

Mr. Obama, at this writing, is still the President Elect. And it is the Office of the President that deserves respect. I think that it might be a little extreme to wonder if he has to actually kill a child on live TV before his true nature will be fully revealed and people will see him for the monster that many believe him to be. Even where he a monster and he DID do something like that, his acolytes would make excuses for him: "Oh, the child must really be the spawn of Satan, who, by the way, we don't believe in." "Oh, he is going to resurrect him in three days, because, after all he is the M-"

All banter aside, we have to respect the office. We don't have to respect the man. However, the Office demands that we behave deferentially towards the Office Holder.

Confused yet?

Many people are calling Obama the "President-Elect." I do not. I did not Elect him to that office. So, until he becomes President, and I heard today that the fight to prevent that is continuing, I shall be referring to him as The One, Obama, Mr. Obama, or Senator Obama. I know, it sounds like I'm in denial. I am not. I have heard that "respect is not earned, it is given." I do not agree with this philosophy. I agree with the Marines: "Respect: never given, always earned." Honor, on the other hand, IS given. Honor is that thing that makes you say, "Yes Ma'am, No Sir, Your Honor, Officer So-and-so" etc. Some confuse it with good manners. Good manners is not smacking at the dinner table. Respect is deep seated trust. I respect knives, because if used properly they will render great service, if they are misused, they will cut me to the bone. I respect certain men and women because they have proven themselves to be worthy of my respect. Experience is the final authority of who is and is not the recipient of my respect.

So it should come as no surprise that I have no respect for Mr. Obama. I am not even willing to concede that he "fought an excellent fight." That implies that there was some sort of level playing field, which, anyone who is intellectually honest will admit was not the case. But, as it stands now, he is going to be the President of the United States of America, and that does call for a small measure (not much though) of restraint on our parts.

It is ironic that we, the conservative, God fearing patriots are castigated as "intolerant." When in fact it is the liberal, God hating, Country hating people who are intolerant of us, because we don't smoke, drink, or carry on, and it reflects poorly on them. "You can't judge me!" is their rallying cry. "Who are you?" is our response "I've never thought about you before. Can't judge you, huh? Wanna bet?" It is also ironic that the people who claim exemption from judgement are themselves obsessed, compulsive judges.

I am also struck with the evidence of all the conservatives that rioted on election night. How our *cough* candidate ran out to the podium and screamed "Every vote must be counted! And then if we don't win, we're going to take our battle to the courts!" Oh, wait a minute that didn't happened this year. That was AlGore in 2000. Oops. My bad.

As I said earlier. We must keep our chins up, and our noses down. As Bible believing, God fearing Christians our confidence can not be in Government. As Patriots we must continue to fight the good fight in what ever capacity we can. And remember, this was one of the lowest voter turn-out election in years. Obama did win with 3 mil plus votes, which looks like a lot of votes, but he actually only won by 2%. That's right. Obama only got 52% of the vote. THAT makes me sick. All the people, Christians included, who abstained from voting are just as guilty as those Republicans and "christians" who voted for Obama.

We do have a civic duty. If we do nothing else, than we are commanded to pray for those in authority. So let's pray for The One's salvation and the salvation of his entire family.

And to keep you optimistic, you have to read this: Here Are Your Assignments. It will lighten your spirits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on!