Tuesday, January 13, 2009

His True Talent Exposed

So we saw this on TV the other week. I don't normally watch SNL, but after they did the Sarah Palin skits I started just checking in.

It was a re-run of a Ben Affleck hosted episode. Now, I have come to call Ben Affleck what Thomas Sowell calls him: Ben Afflicted, or what I call him Ben Can't-Act-fleck. I think he is a horrible actor, and I couldn't tell you why. Unlike his buddy Matt, I just don't believe him. But I think that you will all come to agree with me that the following parody is brilliant and brilliantly performed. Well worth watching over and over and over. Perhaps sketch comedy is where his true talent lies.

That, and I love it when the left lampoons itself, when someone has become so obnoxious that even his cohorts can't help but ridicule him.



Anonymous said...

Brilliant! lol.

Mac said...

I am also not a Ben Affleck fan :P He did a good job in this skit tho!

Katie said...

He did a good job on the skit. But the content was terrible....