Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Dancing Feast

So how does one follow last months post? The response was, humbling (though not surprising, to be perfectly honest. Ha! I know, Jak is saying, "You're very funny") In all honesty, your comments were most warmly received, and completely undeserved. Thank you one and all.

So what is up with me? The same-o-same-o. Only I think that I am getting a grasp on things. I am still running one job, laying it out, proposing work, supervising the various aspects of it (for the last two weeks it has been laying out and planning the concrete sidewalks and yesterday I spent several hours moving cabinets and tile into the house from the garage so it could be painted) and working on an exterior renovation, conveniently in the same small town, concurrently. The one job that I took over is new construction. I finished the siding about two weeks ago, had the landscaper come and set all the beds for the walk ways, three inches lower than I had specified (argh), and set the rough grade. The concrete finishers started last week and of course it wasn't just a simple bang-bang-bang, "Forms are done. Where's the mud?" The inside is drywalled and primed, and actually the project is really close. Just need tile, hardwood, trim, electrical trim out, plumbing trim out, and a good thorough cleaning, and about a thousand other little things that I can't think of and we'll be in business. Sounds like a full time job, doesn't it. It is. But, that's not enough for me, nooooooo.

This little exterior renovation was going quite smoothly; all but two of the new replacement windows were installed, and looking very good (the customer was pleased, that's always a plus) and the current steel siding was pealing off of the house like a ripe banana, and the original MDF siding, in all it's cracked, pepto-bismol pink painted glory, was coming off in typical ease, and then what do you think that I discovered? The bozo's that built the house, didn't insulate any of the exterior walls, and as if that wasn't enough the electrical service that supplies the house was jimmy-rigged by a horse. And NOT Mr. Ed. So, needless to say, I'm not getting a lot done, as of yet, with this project. What with having to call and find out what it is going to take to insulate the house, hold off on any work until I've spoke with the customer, call and meet with an electrician, determine what it's going to take to fix the Service Nightmare on Water Street, meet with the Electrical Superintendent, meet with a City Lineman, run here, run there, and just when I finally get to working, and get into the rhythm, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for one aspect of the project, I get a call from the Finisher for the OTHER project: "Where you at, man?" ARGH!

BUT, despite all of that, everything is all good. This is what I said I wanted. Big Business Man. Ha!

I have learned that Life is not a Competition, but it is Conflict. And it is how we meet this conflict and conduct ourselves in the midst of it that determines who and what we will become. And what I have realized, just now, is that Life Escalates. It becomes more complicated, the world seeks to overwhelm us. And every day we are faced with three decisions: allow the onslaught to bury us, drown us in a torrential flood; or fight with tooth and nail against Heaven and Hell to maintain our current position; or, get out of God's way and let Life flourish in the face of all adversity, like a master Riverman going upstream against all logic and common sense, prevailing against the turbulent deluge.

So what does all this have to with a Dancing Feast? Not much, except that we have to find humor where we can, and with me, it's the simple, silly things that make me laugh. I am discovering that I really like Smart-Silly. So, I thought I would share with you some of my current favorite Smart-Silly things:

First, The Original:

And now the Remix which is even better and sillier!

And now for the Feasting Part:

I absolutely love these videos. You have to go to here and watch all of the Feast videos.
My other current favorite is this one

Although, this one is great too.

You get the point. They keep me laughing all day long!


Rebecca said...

yeah, those are funny.... :-) but, you're not.

Incomplete said...

What is that supposed to mean? You've left me most totally confused.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Just so you know Tyson. I check your "once-a-month-maybe" blog every single day!

I didn't quite get the videos, but I'm sure they're funny!

Mac said...

LOL!!! Even Mom thought they were funny :)

Rebecca said...

"The response was, humbling (though not surprising, to be perfectly honest. Ha! I know, Jak is saying, "You're very funny")"

I'm just being smart. 'Cause you said that. And just for the record. I wasn't saying that.

Rebecca said...

what does that mean?? EVEN mom thought they were funny???? She has a wonderful sense of humor. And she always laughs at Tyson....

Incomplete said...

I had the thought that that is what you were talking about, Jak, but I couldn't tell by the one line comment. Especially after the mile long post.

Lyds, you don't have to find it funny. Taste is subjective. Just becuase I like it or think it's HI-Larious doesn't mean that you have to. Did you think that they were mildly funny?

"Even Mom thought they were funny." They, HARR, HIGHLARIOUS!
Did everybody watch the whole feast series? The Girls love dancing monkeys and The Big One goes around quoting "This feast is sooo filling . . ." Yes, you can blame that on me. I think it may have something to do with wanting to bond with daddy. I don't know

Kristi said...

I confess, yes, I did watch all 7 or 8 of the feast series. Some were pretty funny, some mildly. I did like "This feast is SO filling..." Who comes up with these?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which is funnier...the real thing, or picturing your girls walking around quoting "this feast is soooo filling" they both make me smile....

Moriah A. said...

The remix monkey video is really funny!